So sad to hear this. ALOR SETAR: "There was only one thing on my mind - death. I wanted to die because dying would be easier than living," said a Rohingya migrant who managed to escape from the transit camp in Wang Kelian. Speaking exclusively to Bernama on Thursday, Nurul Amin Nobi Hussein, 25, said during the two months he was held at the transit camp in Wang Kelian last year, he lost all hope of surviving and only thought of death. "I was locked up in a cage like the goats and chickens, and all the time, I was surrounded by death. Each day, five or six of us would die, either from illness or were beaten up and shot," he said. He added that the Rohingya migrants were crammed into what could be described as small coops which housed between 200 and 300 people, with the men and women kept in separate cages. He said about five to six guards who spoke Thai would patrol round the clock, armed with sticks, knives, pistols and rifles, watching the estimated 1,500 peopl...