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Showing posts from February, 2020

COVID-19 causes both pneumonia and spread like flu

COVID-19 spreads more like flu than SARS: Chinese study Unlike severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which causes infections deep in the lower respiratory tract that can result in pneumonia, COVID-19 appears to inhabit both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. That would make it not only capable of causing severe pneumonia, but of spreading easily like flu or the common cold.

Singapore raises DORSCON level to Orange

Coronavirus outbreak: Singapore raises DORSCON level to Orange; schools to suspend inter-school, external activities

Wuhan novel coronavirus 2019

A good read on the chronology of event. People familiar with the South China Seafood Market know that it is not only a place to find a rich variety of seafood but also exotic wild animals sold by vendors in deep corners of the market. There have always been vendors "selling snakes, pheasants, giant salamanders, crocodiles and hares", said a merchant at the market. Most of the wild animal vendors were located at the western part of the market, the merchant said. Trading certain wild animals, including live ones, is prohibited by Chinese laws and industry regulations. Although market authorities conduct regular inspections and impose heavy fines on violators, sales of wild animals at the market have never been stopped in the past decade, vendors told Caixin. How Wuhan lost the fight to contain the coronavirus