I found this is so inspiring! A new year; a new job, a new home, a new phone, a new relationship... ... Monday Starters - By Soo Ewe Jin THE start of a new year can mean many things to different people. A new job, a new home, a new phone, a new relationship .... While it is good that we look forward to new things, the reality is that most of us will be stuck with that "same old, same old" feeling despite the dawn of a new year. But is it really that same old familiar feeling all the time? I do not think so. When we find ourselves caught in such a situation, our challenge should be to look at things from a new, and fresh, perspective. A dear friend, who is about to join the ranks of the retired, was reflecting on his career and I was most touched by what he had to share. Having served in very senior positions in a major company of Corporate Malaysia, one might expect him to crow about his "successes" and the "bottom lines" and lament about t...