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Avoid food with high purines to reduce uric acid

Foods with very high purine levels (up to 1,000 mg per 3.5 ounce serving):    
Anchovies, Brains, Gravies, Kidneys, Liver, Sardines, Sweetbreads

Foods with high and moderately high purine levels (5-100 mg per 3.5 ounch serving):   
Asparagus, Bacon, Beef, Bluefish, Bouillon, Calf tongue, Carp, Cauliflower, Chicken, Chicken soup, Codfish, Crab, Duck, Goose, Halibut, Ham, Kidney beans, Lamb, Lentils, Lima beans, Lobster, Mushrooms, Mutton, Navy beans, Oatmeal, Oysters, Peas, Perch, Pork, Rabbit, Salmon, Sheep, Shellfish, Snapper, Spinach, Tripe, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Venison

